We often used words to distance ourselves from intense or uncomfortable feelings. That's okay! But what power there is in feeling those feelings! Many times the way to do that by tuning into our bodies. Our stomachs might tell us that we're anxious about a deadline. Our hearts might hold grief. Our throats may constrict to repress rage. Fatigue or even physical pain may be eclipsed by words about the pain or fatigue. When we feel our feelings directly and don't "talk over them," we have real control, not the illusion of control. We're fully informed.
I can help you know the freedom and power of knowing what we know!
That's healing.
Finding and Unwinding
“Barn’s burnt down — Now I can see the moon.” ~ Mizuta Masahide, Art by Alfred Stieglitz
Barns can be beautiful. You've probably seen paintings and photographs of weathered, rustic barns....barns have charm. And I learned, in a visceral way, that yes, my barn was protective, but it also has/had charm. We all are inhabitants of barns. We all are both magnificent and mad...we're human.
My barn burned down a few weeks ago. I was in a five-day CranioSacral workshop in which twelve advanced CranioSacral therapists treated each other. My barn is my adaptive self; the self/selves that had protected me, like a barn protects its inhabitants. My barn was my self-effacement, my self-consiousness, my self-censoring.
I can see the moon now. It feels as if the moon itself burnt down the barn with its light. The moon, in this case, is my True Self, Spirit, my Spirit. My CranioSacral colleagues allowed Spirit (SpiritMoon?) to work through them and "saw" my True Self," and that honoring and channeling healed me. I feel reborn.
As an anonymous Craniosacral therapy client stated ...it is still beyond me how something so gentle can have such powerful results."
Come try it.