"The history of each person is contained within and expressed by their tissue, fluids, energetic qualities, and motion." ~ Dr. John Upledger, Art by Kathe Kollwitz
Dr. Upledger is my hero. He was an osteopathic physician with his feet grounded in science and his mind in the stars. He was smart enough to be a physician, open-minded enough to explore phenomenon not explored in medical school, and wise enough to know his limits. He was a visionary who understood that the mind and the body are indistinguishable, and that he was not the healer of this body/mind. It's our "Inner Physician," as he called it, or a higher power that heals. CranioSacral therapists just facilitate.
Like Dr. Upledger, I read your "history" in your tissues, fluids, and heart, gut, and mind! I listen deeply to your words and to your body and to your Inner Physician, AKA You! I hope you sense, and benefit from, the respect and caring that that deep listening entails.